Hair plugs used to be the only option for men seeking to restore their hairline. These new techniques in hair restoration could be a Godsend.
Looking back over photos of my fiance and from 14 years ago, the one thing that has changed drastically (apart from my terrible brows) is my partner's hair line. Stress and genes have taken their toll on the full head of blond surfer hair he once had. Although your wedding day is just a day, you're left with the photos forever, and with all the hair and beauty options available, looking your best is a little easier for the bride. For the men, hair is a huge factor in helping the groom look groomed.
A good hair cut, and a trimmed beard are the easiest ways to look good in the photos, but what if the groom, like many other men, is unhappy with his hair loss?
Up until now, the only option to resolve the hair loss issue in men was hair plugs. This is both an extremely painful and expensive process. Now, thankfully, there are options a-plenty (for a fraction of the cost of hair plugs).
I sent my groom along Clearskin.ie, where I have been getting skin treatments in the run up to our wedding. He underwent a non-surgical treatment to improve the quality of the hair and stimulate hair growth using a combination of the 'vampire treatment' and carboxytherapy.
But in layman terms what are we talking about here?
The Vampire Treatment
The all-natural vampire treatment uses your own blood platelets to stimulate hair growth. A small amount of blood is taken from your arm and platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which contains active growth factors, is then extracted from your blood sample. Then, tiny bits of PRP are injected into the scalp in the areas where hair is thinning, receding or balding.
It's non-surgical meaning there is minimal to no downtime. And it's safe; because your own blood platelets are used, there's no danger of adverse reactions. ClearSkin recommends combining the vampire treatment with carboxytherapy and derma rolling on the scalp.
With carboxytherapy, carbon dioxide is injected below the skin’s surface on the areas of the scalp where hair is thinning, receding or balding, encouraging oxygen and blood flow to flush to the scalp. This treatment is very effective for hair restoration as it improves circulation and the supply of nutrients to the scalp.
With both treatments, homecare is as important.
Here is a little video to show you the run down.
For all you brides to be looking for ways to groom your groom the lovely people at Clear Skin have a very special offer just for you.
Mention Beaut.ie when booking to avail of the following special offers on hair restoration.
- Hair Restoration Pack €495: Includes 6 carboxytherapy scalp treatments for less than half price (pack is worth €1170).
- Add on a derma roller & copper peptide serum for €100 (usually €110)
- Add on 2 vampire treatments for €500 (usually €1000).
Must book before 30th June 2017. T&C apply.
ClearSkin Medical Skin Clinic is based in The Beacon South Quarter in Sandyford, Dublin.
Call 01 2939148