10 Years Younger: The Challenge


I thought Channel 4 had been reading yesterday's Beaut.ie when I saw my first episode of the newly rejigged 10 Years Younger last night. The new format, hosted by ah-c'mere-and-have-a-hug Myleene Klass, explores whether plastic surgery or non-invasive options can boast the most impressive results when it comes to reducing womens' perceived ages.

Top London cosmetic surgeon Jan Stanek, Sharon Osbourne's go-to guy, was the scalpel-wielding consultant tasked with reducing Dawn's poll age of 59 (she's actually 47), while make-up artiste to the stars Lisa Eldridge had the job of taking down Sheila's poll age from 55 (45 "In Real Life") without the aid of invasive procedures.

So what did they have done? Well, timid Dawn underwent a whole litany of cosmetic procedures: a neck lift, face lift, nose job (merciful Jesus - the sight and sound of them breaking her nose had my stomach churning), and cheek implants, along with an operation to remove excess skin on one eyelid. Tough-looking Sheila, meanwhile, had a course of Dr. Sebah's Meso Glow therapies (essentially vitamin injections administered all over the face by an injection gun - scary looking) and laser treatment to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the deeper layers of the skin. She was introduced to Dior's Nudeskin foundation and the wonders of eyelash extensions. Finally, both women were fitted with new smiles courtesy of porcelain veneers, and had their hair made-over.

Ultimately, the surgical option won out in the final public poll: Dawn's perceived age plummeted 17 years to 42 to take her from OAP to OMG, while Sheila's dropped 14 years to 41. You can take a peek at the Befores and Afters below the cut, but I personally thought that non-surgical gal Sheila looked fan-feckin-tastic - more Felicity Huffman than the rough-as-a-badger's-arse mutton-dressed-as-lamb lady we saw at the beginning of the show, and was a pretty good ad for sticking with false eyelashes and facials for the sake of just 3 years of youth.



Before & After: Dawn (top & bottom left) and Sheila (top and bottom right)

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