Liz Jones, the woman seriously grinds my gears! I know as a Daily Mail columnist and ‘noted troll’ that is her sole intended purpose, and I probably shouldn’t take any notice, but she just NEVER fails. (I should really know better by now, the whole ‘femail’ section of The Daily Mail’s website just makes my blood boil. WHY can’t I stop browsing it!?)
Liz recently laid into Rihanna, calling her a ‘toxic pop princess’ among other things. Rihanna proved well able to defend herself, and instagrammed a most unflattering picture of Liz Jones, saying:
That shit ain't journalism! That's a sad sloppy menopausal mess.
I could be biased here, because I LOVE RIHANNA, and I’ve been gunning for Liz Jones ever since her 2010, when she claimed her dog is cleaner than most shop assistants. (I was working as a shop assistant at the time.)
Rihanna’s just so balls out confident, and Liz is so snarky. I suppose I’m both of these things, but I very much WANT the confidence to outweigh the snark. I want to be more Riri than Liz Jones!
I suppose I also feel bad for Liz in a weird way; she’s famously in masses of debt and has (bizarrely) injected fat into her hands.
I know Liz makes her living from denouncing female 'role models' but I just can't help get riled.
The most offensive parts of Liz’s article for me were 1) her assertion that young women are more impressionable than young men.
Is it fair that we berate female stars for being bad, when we don’t admonish men in the same way? Yes, it is fair. Because young women are far more impressionable than young men.
…and 2) her slut-shaming of Rihanna’s costumes.
…she promotes drug-taking, drinking and the sort of fashion sense on stage that surely invites rape at worst, disrespect at least.
INVITES RAPE!? Dear sweet LORD can we please outlaw any speech that refers to any ‘invitation’ to rape? There is no such invitation Liz. There are very campaigns to this effect.
So what do you think of the whole debacle? Is Rihanna a shoddy role model, is Liz Jones 'sloppy?'