Point and spray: Matsushita Makeup Printer


God knows, I'm just getting used to my YSL Touche Brilliance with its built in brush. That's as high tech as my makeup application gets.

So imagine how mad I find this news. Electronic giant Matsushita (owned by Panasonic) have just filed a patent for this, er, original invention.matsushita-make-up-printer.jpg

It will work just like a regular printer - except it will print makeup right onto your face. So nothing like a regular printer then. Cartridges with "looks" already programmed will be downloaded to the printer. You just choose the template and colours you want. Handheld and portable it will spray a jet of colours and makeup onto your skin - achieving the perfect makeup in seconds.


I'm sorry but this reminds me very much of the time in the Simpsons when Homer invented a makeup gun and achieved a stunning look for Marge. What do you all think?

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