We're just not sure if we love this or if it irks the hell out of us.
We have been to so many weddings lately and we have all the craic but it's safe to say we'd rather not have to sit through a dance recital when we should be hitting the dance floor ourselves. We know that most couples want their wedding to be the biggest and the best one EVER but can't we just drink some prosecco and catch up with family and friends?
Also, how the hell did they find the time to do this in between decking the hall, choosing the dress, tasting the menu and all the other wedding planning stuff?
We must admit, however, that Hollie and Dave Smith have got some pretty slick moves. Watch the dance yourself, and let us know whether you cringed or aww'd.
Has anyone done anything ker-azy at a wedding you've been at (in the novelty sense, not in the best man getting sick all over the father of the bride sense)?