These Celeb Wedding Pics Will Give You Outdoorsy Wedding Envy

Back in April, two of the world's most swarthiest vampire-related actors invited friends and family to their "housewarming", only to be whisked away on April 26th to a top secret wedding. Naturally enough, the famous pair wanted an intimate wedding, being able to sell the photos exclusively to Brides was just an aside.

Speaking of her nuptials to Ian Somerhalder (The Vampire Diaries), at Tuscali Mountain Inn in Topanga, California, 27-year-old Nikki Reed (of Twilight) said: "We really wanted our wedding to be small, intimate, and about the two of us... We didn’t want our loved ones to show up with any expectations or squeezed into formal attire... We wanted a Louisiana backyard-barbecue feel, with food stations and a dance floor for our closest friends and family. It really was all about the food, the dancing, and the love."

A few of the dreamy snaps have made their way on to twitter, and here they are. If you're looking for wedding inspiration, see the photos in full at


And, yes, there's a video...

Are you getting married this year? Will it be indoors, or are you taking a chance on the Irish weather and having a rave in the woods?

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