If there's anything worse than a pre-choreographed 'surprise' wedding dance, it's a pre-choreographed 'surprise' wedding dance involving 'magic'.
You may remember Justin Willman and Jillian Sipkins from yesterday with their very own version of 'Drunk History' which told the story of how they first met and was made to showcase at their wedding. Well it turns out that that wasn't the only thing they planned for their big day. Oh no, this pair want all of your attention and will do anything for it.
Instead of your standard first dance, Willman and Sipkins used the opportunity to throw a bit of 'magic' into the number by having the bride 'put a spell' on the groom to the sounds of "I Put A Spell On You" by Screaming Jay Hawkins because of course they did.
And, of course, there just so happened to be a professional film crew there to capture the whole thing.
We liked you when you did your 'Drunk History' of how you first met but this is just the worst.
Can we all agree that it's time for the choreographed dance to go away now or are you still a fan?
Via YouTube