Bridal Diaries: How to prepare your skin for your wedding

This week's bridal diary entry comes from skin care specialist, Jeanne Brophy. With over a decade's experience in the skin health world, Jeanne has travelled near and far discovering innovative skincare solutions for healthy radiant skin.

Jeanne Brophy

Recent engagement? Congratulations! If you are engaged more than ten minutes you are probably beginning to realise that with the new sparkler comes, well, a bit of pressure.

For many brides-to-be, thinking of skin at this point is the last thing on their mind.  Who to invite, who to avoid, venues, dresses and the dreaded budget are all more pressing issues.  While I admit that where you get married and what you wear are important, so too is your skin health.

Every bride wants to look their best on their wedding day; youe can’t be a glowing bride without glowing skin so we have some work to do. We need to see optimum skin health like body health; if you want to get fit, you don’t run out and sign yourself up for the first marathon, you start with a jog.  Our skin is exactly the same - shock tactics don’t give long term results.

6 months + before your wedding day

  • Start with a skin consultation and make required changes to your skincare routine. Why are you using the products you have? Are they working for you?  Have you seen a difference in your skin? These are all things that need to be assessed at this point.
  • We have heard it a million times, but we are what we eat. All of our intolerances are different, but many problem skin clients have issues with excess sugar, dairy or wheat. I know that covers a lot of the nice stuff, but they can create inflammation in the skin so if you are suffering with acne or rosacea dietary changes can make a difference.  Writing a skin diary for a couple of weeks can help you pin point if this is a trigger for you.
  • Invest in a good quality Omega supplement and I also find Probiotics a great help for skin issues.

5 months before your wedding day

  • If required book a course of treatments. This is generally needed where there is “correction” required for breakouts, pigmentation, scarring etc.  Often facial treatments are recommended in courses of four -  one every two weeks.  These should be prescribed specifically for your skin.

1 month before your wedding day

  • Have a booster facial
  • Be conscious of your water intake.
  • Try to reduce the amount of caffeine and salt you are taking. Both can lead to a puffy face on the day.  Not what we are aiming for.

1 week before your wedding day

Please don’t use the mask that worked wonders for your friend’s sister – now is not the time! Stick to your skincare programme.  Use an enzyme or vitamin C mask (one you have used before).  This really helps with radiance and gives a perfect smooth base for makeup application on the day.


Have a wonderful day and here's to always loving the skin you are in.

Jeanne Brophy Facialist is located in Glasnevin, Dublin 3. See more at

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