This brand new celeb engagement bling is going to put someone's eye out

Disgraced (kindof) American swimmer Ryan Lochte has just given his new fiancée Kayla Rae Reid some very impressive bling

The Olympian and the Playmate (we could write a very interesting book with that title) got engaged over the weekend. Both took to their Instagram accounts to announce the happy news.

First of all, what a setting. Are they on the Howth cliff walk?

Speechless. Absolutely beautiful. So in love with YOU. ❤️

A photo posted by KAYLA RAE REID (@kaylaraereid) on

Second, this is the manicure we're talking to our nail stylist next paycheck.


Memories forever!!! #thelochtes #LA

A photo posted by Ryanlochte (@ryanlochte) on

Third, that is one impressive rock. It's actually like an ice cube balanced on a very fine piece of silk. We think it's stunning.

Ryan Lochte ran into a bit of trouble following his Olympic success. At the moment, he's taking part in the US Dancing With the Stars. Meanwhile, he's been doing a line with Kayla away from the public eye. This may come as a shock to fans who believed him when he said he was single this summer.

Where does Kayla's ring fall on your celeb engagement ring spectrum?

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