Lookit, I know. This will be the last one of the last times we waffle on about gorgeous George's wedding. But see, the whole world is falling in love Amal Alamuddin (us included) and dammit, that woman knows how to wear a hat. But does she know how to wear a wedding dress?
Turns out the answer to that is a fabulous yes. Yesterday we took a peak at the wedding album (you can see all the beautiful guest-y people in their beautiful clothes here) but today it's the gúna we've all been waiting for.
Now, whaddaya mean you didn't know George Clooney sold his wedding photographs to HELLO!? And People? Are you surprised? Sure, Brad and Angelina did it...
People want to see George and his beautiful bride on their wedding day - really, he could be toting a cup of Nespresso in that hand clasping Amal's waist and I'd still think he's pure class (nice watch, by the way).
As for what the couple wore to their civil ceremony in Venice Town Hall yesterday; feast your eyes on this handsome couple...
I prefer outfit number two too. Less 'bridey'. It's a trouser suit by Stella McCartney. You know, in case you're ever getting married to George Clooney in Venice one day.
Are you a fan of her full-on bridal white number or do you prefer her Stella McCartney? And do you want her hat as much as I?