Ok! We dished recently about what we had lurking in the dark recesses of our handbags (unwrapped tampons, 1c coins, fluff and receipts were some of the answers, I empathised with them all) but now what I want to know is this: what's in your makeup bag RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND?
In mine are some newbies, some long-lost-lovelies and some brushes. I don't generally carry much about with me excepting the lipstick graveyard that is generally the innards of my handbag, but the above constitutes a regular 'staple' face for me if I didn't manage to apply slap before work or if I have something to go to post-toil.
I've got Mac Studio Fix Fluid NW15 in there - this is something I don't use often anymore, but occasionally go back to, a bit like a comfort blanket. Except it's foundation. Oh, you know what I mean.
I also have Bare Minerals Flawless Definition mascara in there which I'm trialling. I dunno, I really don't like this brand in general, but this is ok. Review to come! Beside it is something I adore: it's a Sothy's double-ended pigment/primer duo, and it's the perfect sheeny mink shade. So easy to use, the colour's great, it lasts, and is just perfect with a lick of liner and a bright lip. This really deserves some solo post love, so I may do that soon.
Some other me-staples are Benefit Coralista, some of my brushes (just foundation and a duo-fibre for powder, I'm happy to apply base with fingers for a quick look), that Stila eyeliner that makes me look less undead alive, my really-totally-almost-done Perfect Topping and another recent trial product, a new Shiseido concealer. More on that soon too.
That's my very basic of basics bag - what I want to know is what's in yours right this very second? Spill the beans in a comment, if you please.