8am Struggle with magic knickers lasts for so long that realisation hits that there must not be any drinking - even of essential liquids like water - done today. Cannot be going through this again.
8.30am Leave for hairdressers where Debbie blowdrys and backcombs, using at least a can of hairspray. Slightly guilty about hole in ozone but more pleased at the sight of big hair to care.
11am Arrive at Mac counter in BT where lovely makeup artist works her magic. Main concern is lots of liquid liner. Request satisfied and then some - false eyelashes and shadow ahoy.
11.55am Hurry outside to get photos taken with Amy. Truly an angelic girl - she is so tiny and gorgeous. Perfect person to launch book. So happy to see her cannot help telling her that myself and friend have girl crush on her since her own book launch of Hello Heartbreak.
12.05pm Arrive in the Beaut.ie designated area in BT. Absolutely staggered by size of crowd. Delighted beyond words to see everyone.
12.10pm Amy makes lovely speech. I make speech. No one hears it though as mic not on. Probably just as well as was basically slagging husband for unwillingly knowing more about makeup than any man ever wanted to.
12.15pm Begin signing. This is the best bit as get to meet so many of you. Don't want to mention names in case I accidentally leave anyone out - but it was so great to meet everyone, new and old. Excited squeals as people find themselves quoted in book. Goodie bags historic. Brown Thomas have played a blinder with them.
1.40 pm "Are you tired?" people keep asking me. "No!" I reply. I could do this forever.
1.50pm Half the guys in the place have secretly confided in me that they longed to chat up Amy during the launch, but were discouraged by the knowledge that there is no way they may measure up to her current man. Nod firmly to discourage such thoughts while thinking eh, hello? Do the words "aiming out of your league" mean anything to you fellas? Beaut.ie Mammy goes one better and fearlessly chats up Twenty Major. Damn - had hoped that this moment could be averted. Is funny though.
2pm Launch becoming danger zone of wildly mismatched people fancying one another. But all too soon it's all over and bursting with pride we make tracks and have a zillion drinks.
And we're coming to a city near you soon! Watch out for us in Cork, Limerick, Galway and Dublin (again!). Yay!
Thanks so much to Nicki, Teresa and Sarah from Gill and Macmillan and Ann Marie and Ciara from Brown Thomas for everything they did to make the day such a success.
More pix are after the cut.
Our wonderful contributors Catherine, Niamh and Lynnie looking gorgeous
The queue!
The Beaut.ies!
Pretty in pink!
The Beaut.ie Mammy (middle) and dad (right) with their friend Joyce
Amy making her speech
Check out even more photos on our Facebook page!