New Years Resolutions: Get that Nip & Tuck!

As we know from the results of our poll, you beaut.ieful ones aren't remotely averse to a little bit of assistance. And bring it on, says I. I refuse point blank to grow old gracefully!

So what to do if you've always wanted to get a little nip or a tuck? This stuff does not come cheap, and to be fair - would you want it to? Budget price boob job would produce budget results, I'd think. Just look at Tara Reid if you're still thinking of going the cheapo route.

It's not just nips and tucks though - what to do if your teeth are in a right state and you just don't have the cash up front to pay for repair? Well, the bank are highly unlikely to be sympathetic if you're going to be honest with them about it. My bank must think I live in a golden plated palace by now, the amount of loans I've taken out under that auld catch all, 'home improvements' - and always to pay off my credit card. I really hope I never need to do any actual home improvements or I'm shagged.

easycare logoHelp is at hand though. Easycare Credit, who are the first and only healthcare finance company in Ireand, can provide you with the cash to finance all sorts of treatments including dental, laser eye, hair therapy, cosmetic surgery, fertility and dermatology and are due to expand the service to private hospitals nationwide in 2007 for the full spectrum of treatments.


Founded in 2005, the company focus on making the application process as convenient, flexible and discreet as possible. They offer a user-friendly application process, low monthly payments and competitive interest rates. Once your loan is approved for the treatment you require, Easycare pay the doctor, and then you repay them over a set period of months or years.

If you'd like to get in touch with them about their service, contact them on Lo-Call 1890 210 210 or, or visit their website.

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