Deadly Dozen

dozen 12 dec

  1. Excitement alert! We're having a Dublin Book partay in Arnotts next Wednesday - and you're invited!
  2. Forget the luck of the Irish. We're better known for our orange foundation .  It's an international source of sniggering - the shame!
  3. We've had enough. Text-happy salons - STOP means STOP.
  4. loves stocking fillers: the Beautini, Eighties Eight Hour cream
  5. Gossip Girl Blake Lively has the hair of the moment. Here's how to get her look.
  6. Peachy keen jellybean. By the power of these magic knickers you will look thinner AND have less cellulite. Hmmm
  7. Agyness Deyn puts her false eyelashes on upside down. Vote and tell us what you think
  8. Yeah, we know we're still bingeing on the Christmas collections - but that doesn't stop us from bringing you the first look at the SS10 collections. Guerlain - you're more gorgeous than ever. Swoon
  9. What was ultra long lasting makeup invented for anyway - a kidnapping ordeal?
  10. Just what do you give the classiest people for Christmas? Jordan or Fill Mitchell?
  11. Win! Chocolates and Mink vouchers - yummy!

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