In beauty terms this was more daring than the Mafia's Lufthansa heist. During the course of an afternoon at the Girls Day Out in the RDS, Crown Brushes had their entire stock cleared out as brush thieves stole boxes and boxes of product from the stand worth about 15k.
A superbly organised group of what can only be described as career criminals, with access to the architectural plans, high tech security system and an ability to thwart the hand picked security team at the Girls Day Out, committed a crime so audacious it leaves us breathless. Lowering themselves on wires from the roof and reconfiguring the security system to enable them to swoop directly into the target area...oh look who am I kidding.
Nope, who ever took the entire Crown Brush stock simply walked in and out four times, unnoticed by security.
Because there was no security.
The Crown Brush staff left the stand to help set up for another event and as soon as they did so a couple of guys shrugged on high-vis jackets and wearing this cunning disguise were able to simply nick all the stock. Read the full story here.
Despite security being promised in the contract signed prior to the show it clearly wasn't there. Poor Crown Brushes. These brushes will be coming to a market stall/ back of the Ilac/back of a Hiace near you very soon. Keep your eyes peeled - and if you do see them don't for gods sake buy them.
And be quick there's still time to win one of three sets of Crown Brushes in a totally legal manner in our fab giveaway! Just sign up for one or both of our newsletters here