We drove westwards yesterday for our Galway book signing in a torrential, end-of-the-world style apocalyptic downpour that left the eastern part of the country flooded, but the omens for our trip to Connaught were excellent: the further we drove, the nicer it got. By the time we hit the city of the tribes the sun was out and we couldn't believe the weather we'd left behind just a couple of hours ago.
Fortifying ourselves with a birra lunch (and cake, oh we had to have cake) in the Skeffington Arms on Eyre Square, we strolled down Shop Street about 2.20pm to Easons, where there was a queue of Galway gals waiting and ready.
Aphrodite signed her arm off and I was on goody bag, Twitter and photo-duty. We managed to get a good few shots of the attendees and of course we'd also like to say a huge big thanks to all of you who came - your support means a massive amount to us and we thoroughly enjoyed meeting you all!
Did we get a snap of you? Oh you'll have to check after the cut to see if we did!