Zoolander and Hansel, Just Hanging Out Backstage With Anna Wintour


Of course Vogue knew about Hansel and Zoolander closing yesterday's Valentino show, 'cause they were only backstage with the top models, while brandishing a selfie stick.

Anna bursts in the back door, asking how they are going to tackle the walk, Zoolander says: "We're going to keep it simple today. Usually I go right, left, right, left, right, left, but today, I'm going to start left in honor of how the sun rotates."

As for Hansel, well, he's going to "hover" to minimize his "carbon footprint."


Naturally enough, the "really, really ridiculously good looking" sorts gravitated towards each other for selfies (it doesn't look like the stick was utilised for this one, but who can be sure, they're such pros). Cara captioned this: "I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking... And I plan on finding out what that is #ZOOLANDER2 #BLUESTEEL #DEREK #HANSEL."CaradevZoolander

The long-awaited sequel to Zoolander is due to unleash itself on cinemas in February 2016. Why was it essentially 14 years in the making? Because writers Stiller and Justin Theroux "finally got a draft they love."

Yes, FOURTEEN YEARS. And they haven't aged a bit. What's their secret? Will you be watching when it's released?

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