Who else is sick of big Mary Poppins bags that you can basically live out of if push came to shove? We aren't either. We will never abandon our oversized handbags; how else could we carry our spare shoes, makeup bag, tissues, phone, magazine, keys, chewing gum, half pack of chewing gum that we forgot about, receipts, purse, pen and paper, sunglasses, hairbrush and water bottle?
Dinky bags have their place too, however (we keep ours in our big bag), and this season, there's a new style in town: the 'camera bag'.
Let Angela Scanlon show us how it's done.
Angela calls it a 'box bag'; hers is by Manu Atelier and costs over €400. So, in true Beaut form, we've gone and found a budget alternative.
This handy little fellow is from New Look, costs €14.99 and also comes in black. Adorable, yes?
Another unique option is this actual camera bag, designed for a Fuji Instax camera, just because we like to think outside the box.
Like, how cute is that? You can pick one up in the Camera Centre for €34.99. You'll have to buy and album too and it doesn't come with a camera, but you can pop your phone in, and off you go.
Do you use accessories in ways different from what they were intended for?