At this stage, there's scarce a person left on the planet who hasn't done an ice bucket challenge. Though our Facebook feeds show nothing other than these videos, the enormous awareness and, of course, money raised for MND/ALS is nothing to be sniffed at.
We've been watching the videos roll in, both from those in the fashion and celebrity world to those who've epically failed to pour a bucket of ice over their heads.
Who's been your favourite? Did you enjoy seeing ice queen Anna Wintour get sloshed? And what about Kate Moss?
One of our favourites so far has to be Matt Damon, co-founder of Water.org who was very wise to point out how crazy throwing clean drinking water over our heads is a bit of a waste, considering the many millions of people in the world who don't have access to clean water. So naturally, he takes some toilet water for his challenge, which further reinforces his legendary status. We love you, Matt.
And this one's rather strange, albeit impressive. Olivia Wilde goes one step further and instead of pouring water over her head, she pours her own breast milk. Meanwhile her baby's probably crying its head off that she'd waste such milky goodness!
Nothing, however, will be quite as funny as this fail from Irish girl Teresina Bell. Just prepare yourselves and get ready to hit rewind.
No, hang on, this fella still makes us laugh. Jeeeesus Mammy, get it right would ya.
Have you done the challenge yet? Or are you over the whole phenomenon and wish you could block the words ice and bucket from your social media feeds? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!