Was Nicki Minaj's Beef With Miley at The VMAs Real or Not Real?

The jury's still out regarding whether it was orchestrated or not, much like most of Rihanna's stunts at the BET Awards. Things really kick off after Nicki makes everyone in existence "make some noise" before being really "random" and thanking her "pastor" - because no one thanks their pastor at award shows.

We're guessing from Miley's reaction, that this was off the cuff... have a gander at the below. This is not acting. This is a genuine "eh CRAP" face. And let's not forget all the frenzied "hair" twirling. Then again, Miley did play Hannah Montana for years and was amazing at it, so who knows.


As for what they were quibbling about - Miley had the NOIVE earlier in the week to bring up the Taylor V Nicki spat, which exploded thanks to the VMA nominations. According to Uproxx, she also deemed Nicki "Not polite."

So, real or orchestrated? Or do you give a fiddlers either way?

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