Another week, another video tutorial. We hope you're getting used to this!
Our video channel is a new one for us, and we do appreciate your opinion. But please keep in mind, like anything, getting my head around making videos to the level I want them at will take some time. I'm not sure if you are aware or not, but I am quite a camera shy person, and video content is something I have been successfully dodging for years now. As a makeup artist, I am used to always being behind the camera, not in front of it.
I appreciate your patience and support on this video journey, and I'm looking forward to working with you guys on this exciting new Beaut project.
This week, I'm bringing you into my Brow and Makeup Studio, Empower Studio, in Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 and I talk you through how to use a pop of colour and how to achieve a cut crease.
Product wise, I am mainly using MAC. I have described the colours and textures but if there is anything specific you want to know, comment below and I shall tell you.
Thanks so my lovely model Izzy, and I hope you enjoy the video.
Ais x