This year, especially for us poverty-stricken fashionistas, there's a micro-trend that will update your entire outfit for under a tenner.
You can thank Gucci and Balenciaga for the cheapest trend of the season. They're the ones who sent models down the a/w 17 catwalks in tights, glorious tights. It's been a few years since colourful tights were a thing, but a thing they are, and this time, we'll be matching them to our shoes.
Got a spare lagging jacket hanging around your attic? Well, you've just tapped into another trend for free!
Bright hosiery was intended as a spring trend, but it died with the deconstructed shirt (thank, God). It's more suitable for autumn anyway, when vibrant shades can make us look like we made a semblance of an effort.
Or they can make you look like an elf.
Coloured tights have been sneaking about in Claire's Accessories and online for years now, in case anyone wants to dress up as Peter Pan or a Blue Man Group Man. If you don't want to be mistaken for someone in costume, this season, flashback to the 80s with electric blue tights, shoes and bag. Keep the theme going with massive sleeves and shoulders.
ASOS €6.76