Triumph have the solar bra for the way you are. And a bra for everything else too.


Now here's a new way to offset your carbon footprint. Triumph revealed their new brassiere during the week.

Jumping on the global warming bandwagon they decided to create a solar powered number. Yes that's right - this bra can produce enough energy to charge a mobile phone or an ipod. Handy eh?

No matter that it's an ugly lookin yoke and it comes down to your knickers. More of a solar charged corset then. And you need to get a few hours of sun to power it up.


Anyway Triumph have a loooong history in Japan (where else) for weird and wacky lingerie. They've had a chastity belt bra, a chopsticks bra (pictured below so you can see the handy compartments to keep soup bowls and chopsticks), a voter turnout bra (for election wearing), a heated bra (for those cold mornings) and a declining birthrate bra. I kid you not.

Have a watch of the solar bra launch here. Where you can clearly see that the solar energy bit has nothing to do with the bra at all.


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