True Detective Stars are a Couple in Real Life!

Aaaaaah, there they are now, filming True Detective back in February, mirroring each other's movements, while merrily packing heat... You can almost hear the dude beside them think "Ppppffft, get a room already."

OK, sure we're not entirely sure if they're in love or not, but these behind-the-scenes photos do convey the message of lurve. After keeping a relatively low profile over the last few months, Rachel McAdams and Taylor Kitsch were spotted enjoying dinner together at West Hollywood’s Osteria Mozza at the beginning of June.

According to a source dealing with Us Weekly: "It hasn't been long. But it's serious." Another source coming across with the mumbled bare minimum added that they've been "friends for years. They grew closer on set." Someone else offered: "I don't know if it’s full-blown love yet, but they talk constantly.They're really into each other. She talks about him all the time!"

The fact that they're both Canadian can only serve to fuel their (alleged) passion.


McAdams is no stranger to dating co-stars, with her reportedly enjoying trysts with The Notebook co-star Ryan Gosling, and Jake Gyllenhaal - when they both starred in Southpaw.

Have you ever had a dalliance / long term relationship with a co-worker? Was it fumbling in the filing cupboard a la Peep Show, or was it more "Oh, you again" a la life in general?

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