Are you a chess fan? For this trend you don't necessarily have to be but check is all the rage for the new season and finding the best bits for you was no easy task as every possible outfit combination across the high street stores has the check thing down.
So, I'll take your pawn and stamp all over it with my Queen, checkmate, chicas.
The catwalk was full of it. From long pink check coats at House of Holland, monochrome trousers at Cavalli and throws from our very own Simone Rocha, you can take your pick of inspiration. Just type 'check' into Pinterest to see how dominant the trend will be. And we can get the look super easily - here's how!

My trick is to focus on the top half with the pattern and stick to one that's larger. The smaller the check the more it just looks like a bit of a blur. If you fancy a jacket, then Penneys have a dream coat hitting the stores in September for just €30 and if you want to channel the fashion blogger look, then a sleeveless jacket is your best option. I love the current styles in New Look and they are also under €30, so it's a win-win!
For work, a check skirt will look chic with a polo neck and opaque tights come winter. This is a super easy trend to style, just keep the check to one pieces, and style with block colours.
So in terms of a practical trend, do you think check fits the bill?