Tina Fey Discards Dress and Kimmel 'Cancels' Show

On a day where most headlines have been devoted to The Conservatives and David Cameron remaining firmly in Westminster across the water (consider yourselves informed), we've opted to go for Tina Fey and Jimmy Kimmel's individual nods of respect to the soon-to-be-retired chat show legend that is David Letterman. That's entertainment. 

Tina Fey appeared on the show last night, in a dress that - as Letterman says - would be something akin to what Kate Middleton would be seen in, and in an act of respect, Tina gives David her dress. 

We bet she had some amazing 'medical' spanx and/or a superhero's costume under there. Or indeed a 'slanket'. 

Oh, wait, here's the full video which wasn't available earlier... Wowsers. It's all of the above, apart from the slanket. 


As for Jimmy Kimmel, he's cancelling his entire live show the night of David Letterman's last broadcast (May 20th) as a mark of respect. That and he probably wants a night off. 

The host told the New York Times via email that: "I have too much respect for Dave to do anything that would distract viewers from watching his final show. Plus, I’ll probably be crying all day, which makes it hard to work."

In an interview with CNN, Kimmel added: "It's very sad for me, personally. When I was growing up I was, like, known in high school as the kid who watched David Letterman. I had a 'L8 Nite' license plate, I watched the show, and we didn't have a VCR, so I had to watch it live. This was way before we had YouTube where we could pick and choose every little thing we wanted to. But I love Dave, and I'm going to miss him."

Of leaving his late night time slot after 40 years of broadcasting, 68-year-old Letterman said in a letter to the New York Times: "I know I can’t do what Jimmy Fallon’s doing. I know I can’t do what Jimmy Kimmel is doing. There’s nothing left to be worried about. It’s all over, Dad, you’re going to be just fine. You’re going to a new place. They’ll be very nice to you, Dad. You'll make a lot of friends."

Will you miss Letterman, or were you never a fan to begin with? Or, more importantly, what do you wear under a dress? Your birthday suit or a body stocking?

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