Knicker Shorts, Crocs, Badger Hair: Are These Trends that Need to Die A Swift Death?

Fashion Room 101 is open and looking for occupants.

When it comes to trends, we all have a few that are our pet peeves. You know the ones that we wish we could eradicate from the face of the earth. Well I am here to help. Bring out your dead trends and, like the bubonic plague that they are, I'll whisk them away for you. I'm good like that.


Very upset and emotional woman crying.


Some trends have their terrible moment in the sun and then they gracefully retire. The pink eyebrows novelty knew when to quit. Ditto for visible thongs (shudder), clear bra straps and trucker hats. So why do some trends outstay their welcome and refuse to leave?

To start the ball rolling, here are my three main offenders:

  •  Badger Hair.

I feel really sorry for Nicole Appleton. It all seemed so perfect in the beginning. They were a match made in early noughties heaven but surely now the time has come for them to separate and call it a day.

Yes folks, I am talking about her two tone hair. Nicole’s beautiful face is topped with not one but two heads of hair, a golden blonde sitting on top of a mop of brunette.

There was a time when this trend reigned supreme and all the cool kids were doing it. But its time is over. Even Ms. Aguilera has moved on to pastures new.

(And Nicole, if you are reading, we knew Liam had secrets many years ago).

nicole appleton



  •  Half Pants, Half Bottom (Panttoms)

Whether it’s Bridget Jones knickers worn as hotpants or those tiny denim cut offs that slant inwards from the hip, I demand that they are taken away. I do not want to see your bottom. Winter is coming and you may decide to wear them with tights. It doesn’t matter. Again I say to you, I do not want to see your bottom.




  •  Kidult Shoes

I am specifically talking about Crocs here. These are sweet on children as they splash through puddles and run through meadows. They are not sweet on adults as they pop to the shop to buy milk. I am becoming more fearful as the cold weather sets in. What will happen now? Will they wear SOCKS with their Crocs? For me, this is the shoe equivalent of dragging nails down a blackboard. I just want it to stop.




Other trends are more boomerang-like. We manage to turf them out the front door, only to find their little Ugg’ed feet scampering in through the back door. For example, I can’t understand why dungarees keep coming through the revolving fashion door. Unless you are painting your first house in a television ad and/or you are eight months pregnant with triplets, these have no place. Even terrifying hair trends go around the fashion loop.


So tell me what is for the chop. What would you like me to place in Room 101? What trends do you think need to be put out of their misery?

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