This Week's Most Read Stories on

The Awards shortlists are finally here! We've given a nod to the Body Category below, but if you missed out in voting in the Make Up category, then you can check out the short list here. And if you’ve yet to have your say in the Face Category, then you can choose your favourite face products here. Spread the love!

Also featuring in this Fix we have foundations, angry brides, Tina Fey's elaborate correctional underwear, and all the foods you should be eating *unwraps chocolate bar*

1. The Beautie Awards 15 Shortlist: Body Category

Gels, lotions, scrubs and more!

2. Dawn O'Porter's BOB Pop Up Boutique
We have all the snaps from the Launch Party

3. Full Coverage Foundations...
Bye bye 'mask effect'!

4. Army of Angry Brides Storm Wedding Dress Shop in Limerick
Could you imagine the horror...


5. BAFTA TV Awards 2015
We have all the action from the Red Carpet

6. Tina Fey Discards Dress and Kimmel ‘Cancels’ Show
Now that's no pair of ordinary spanx...

7. Face Off!
Is the Clarisonic really worth the price tag?

8. New Research Reveals Foods to Eat If You Want To Lose Weight
Chocolate is in there. Not even joking. 

9. Pet Hates at the Salon...
Misadventures in massages, tinting and more



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