That Karl Lagerfeld Ad With Pharrell and Cara is Now A Mini Film

We told you about Karl Lagerfeld's ad with Cara Delevigne and Pharrell Williams a couple of weeks ago and now the mini film version has arrived - and it's everything we thought it would be. And more. Read into that as you may.

Reincarnation is presented by Chanel so while we initially thought it would be all high fashion, it's actually a strange mix of German lederhosen and older ladies in black and pearls, until the witching hour strikes and it turns kind of weird Disney.

It's altogether quite bizarre and we are more than a bit jealous that not only is Cara a top model, she can sing as well and dance and by the looks of it, act. She'd fit right in on the Late Late Toy Show!



Anyway, we won't blather on any further, not when you can watch it here in all of its 7 minute glory.

Are you impressed by Karl, Pharrell and Cara's efforts (and Geraldine Chaplin - Charlie's daughter!)? Would you wear Cara's ballgown to the debs / your wedding / Coppers? Comment time!

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