It's officially scorchio out there today and that means we might have a chance to get into our togs! What do you reckon?
And even if the weather doesn't hold or yer man in Donegal forsees a long spell of showers punctuated by more rain, we might well have holidays out furrin to look forward to.
Either way there's tons of lovely bathing suits out there: lets have a goo.
Oh we do love big knickered bikinis.
Super girly.
Working the monochrome trend.
Feeling sporty? Like a side of surfing/swimming/windsailing with you sunbathing? These suits are for you!
If you're feeling VAY confident and want to channel the Amy Childs vibe take a look at these lovlies.
Good all in ones to flatter the dreaded tummy.
Orange is not just the colour of makeup counter assistants faces you know. It looks only deadly with a tan.
What about you - see anything you like or do you tend to recycle the same togs year after year?