Surprise, me Hearties! Johnny Depp Delights Kids in Aussie Hospital

Johnny Depp has been enjoying his walkabouts while on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean, taking selfies with the Aussie locals and what not. Now he's gone one step further by stopping by Lady Cilento Children's Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Speaking as someone who's spent a bit of time in a children's hospital, a break from the 'bubble' - especially when it includes a surprise visit by Johnny Depp - would be beyond amazing.

Here he is, taking some snaps with the patients, as well as some 'crazy' face pulling with one very cute seven-year-old Max Bennett.


Speaking via People Magazine, Max's mother said: "It was really beautiful. Everyone kept on trying to move [Depp] on, but he kept on coming back. He came on the condition that he wasn't pushed along and crowded by adults and he could spend as much time as he wanted with the kids."


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