Style Crushes: The Girls From Girls

Sex and the City was once the most stylish show on telly and we loved it for it. Forget New York being the 5th character, it was Carrie Bradshaw's wardrobe. But sorry SATC gals, your time has passed. There are four new gals in the city, each with their own unique 'look' - in real life and on screen - and they are our new faves.

Lena Dunham, Alison Williams, Zosia Mamet and Jemima Kirke waltzed onto the red carpet for the premiere of Girls Season 4 recently and handily stood close together so we could get a good look at each Girls' individual style.

Girls Season 4


We were half thinking of nick-naming them Spice Girls style - Hip Girl, Quirky Girl, Princess Girl and Boho Girl anyone? -


All four are looking spiffing though and we are deciding which one to copy for when we next venture out and face the big bad world post-Christmas. Difficult yes, but we have all of January to decide so that's ok.

We can't wait for Girls to return! Are you a fan? Do you watch it for the laughs or the style (or both?) Which Girl are you? Let's hear it in the comments!

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