Cannes Film Festival is in full swing and the day looks are holding their own against the nighttime gowns, as the stars of The Beguiled demonstrate
Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst and Elle Fanning along with director Sofia Coppola, posed for The Beguiled photocall earlier today. Colin Farrell was there too, in a snazzy blue suit but who cares about Colin? OK, fine we all do, especially as he's having a Colin Farrelenaissance, so here's a pic of him with his leading ladies and other people.
Sorry small people to the left-hand side (and Colin and yer man on the other side) but the obvious focus of attention is on the four central women, especially Elle, Nicole and Kirsten who were the only ones who got the memo that the dress code was 'Upstage The Bride'. Their summery delights are perfect for a garden party, and you would be SO tempted to wear something like them to a wedding but you can't, sorry.
Here they are without the other people ruining their groove.
We notice a much-debated trend, too. The shoes. Should one wear a pair of black shoes with a light coloured dress? Obviously, it's settled, and the answer is a resounding yes. Now the question is should you go embellished, pointed or with sandals?
White dresses are, of course, not restricted to brides and you can, of course, wear them to other occasions this summer, like Cannes or your holiday or brunch.
Do a Kirsten on it with this dress.
Or make like Elle and choose a prairie style. Yes, this is shorter, but the days are getting warmer, and we'll want to be showing off our legs, right? Annnnnd, here's how to get them in peak condition.
Take a cue from Nicole, who's clearly bringing 2007 style back, and wear a heavy studded belt with an otherwise flowing, feminine gúna.