Being a quarter of One Direction, Harry Styles leads a very busy life. Therefore his free time would be exceptionally rare and extremely precious. Given his level of fame, one may prefer to spend said spare time in a darkened room, sleeping, but not Harry.
During the South African stint of One Direction's tour, the pop star "decided to go to the Lalela Project all by himself. He offered all of the students concert tickets and spoke to them at length about their lives."
Then, when they all attended the gig, he invited them backstage for the bants, selfies, and was generally the soundest person on the planet.
And, because it's possible to be more sound, the above pic was captioned: "Harry Styles wearing the Lalela luggage tag we gave him as a gift on stage last night. So cool to see our art on stage and the students were just beaming!! #thanksHarry #lalelaluggagetag #artispower #capetown #onedirection #directioners #harrystyles @harrystyles #sospecial."
Unfortunately not all pastimes are as productive. What is your guilty pastime pleasure? Mine is watching soaps in a darkened room.