Rozanna Purcell's divine choker costs €13 and we know where to get it

Have you ever stopped someone on the street to ask them where they got their nifty Prince-esque jacket, their ultra form-hugging and presumably NASA engineered jeans or their strappy sandals that are sky-scraper high but look really comfortable because why how would she be galloping down Grafton Street in them? Me either; that's what Twitter is for! *

We spied Rozanna Purcell at Longitude last weekend sporting a hair style we want, eyes we want and a choker we want.

Longitude with the main man DEC from @moochfroyo00

A photo posted by Rozanna Purcell (@rozannapurcell) on

Since my hair is too straw-like to look good in a twisty pony and my eyes are just, well, my eyes, the only thing of Roz's that could be mine is the choker. But surely it's a special choker, made only for models from the teeth of an Ancient Egyptian King?

Not so! As Twitter will testify to:


Yes, the choker is from classy High Street fave, Zara and it can be yours for €12.95. What's more, on closer inspection, they are little stars! Darling. It comes in a set of three so you can layer to your heart's content.

zara choker

We're going to accessorise like a model this weekend. Are you?


*I have

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