I'm one of those people who came into the world disorganised. I can never find anything. I find it virtually impossible to be on time for anything despite my best attempts. Almost every week I have to buy a new mascara/lipbalm (see what everyone's using right now) because I've carelessly mislaid the five dozen I aready have. I can tear the house apart looking for my keys - only to discover them at the bottom of my bag under a tissue. Where I could have SWORN I looked first.
You get the picture.
And to compound my little er behavioural problem, I like to change bags - a lot. So the dumping of "stuff" from one to another invariably leaves things behind in one of the previous bags - which results in much cursing, swearing and screaming as I can't find, for example, my phone. Or that fifty quid I just KNOW is in one of them. Somewhere.
So when Rimmel sent me this little red bag I was interested. Tough and waterproof, it's a storage bag with loads of pockets for makeup, diary, phone, keys, bankcard: basically all the crap you need to survive on a daily basis. And it's working! When you change bags you just lift out the organiser and put it in the bag you're using that day. It's brilliant.
Just one thing to say here really. Where have you been all my life Handbag Organiser?
Handbag organiser Gift With Purchase when you spend €15 or more on Rimmel products from pharmacies and selected department stores nationwide. Just to note: it's only the bag yer getting: it's NOT full of all the stuff in the pic - that's just to give you the idea!