The New Year is the perfect time to give your wardrobe a refresh and your style a little update. Here's how to do that without wasting money on items you'll end up never using.
Look at what you have
Before you do any shopping it's important to look through what you currently have in your wardrobe.
Take everything out and sort through it putting it into piles of items you wear a lot, wear occasionally and never wear.
This will give you a better idea of what your current style is like and help you figure out how you want to refresh it or what items you need to update.
Get rid of a few things
A good rule to adopt when looking to buy clothes, shoes or accessories is the 'one in one out' rule.
This meaning that before you go shopping for new pieces (or after) you get rid of some items you no longer wear or need.
If the items are in good condition you can donate them to a charity shop and while you're there you can browse for some of those new pieces you want.
This rule is a great way to make sure you don't end up having too much clothing that's never worn and it can also help stop impulse shopping which can be a difficult habit to break.
Figure out what you need
Now you've organised your current wardrobe you can have another look at everything you own and make note of the pieces that are getting old and need updating or items you don't have but would like to get.
When looking to buy new items make sure it's something you will actually wear and not just for one specific event you have coming up.
Pieces that are adaptable will often be worn the most so investing in them rather than trendy items makes more sense for your bank account and your wardrobe.
Don't rush into buying anything
Rather than buying the first basic white t-shirt you see just so you can tick it off your list, spend a little extra time thinking about whether or not you like it and if it suits you and if it's comfortable.
Yes, I know spending extra time thinking about these things is a pain but trust me, you'll thank yourself for it when you have a wardrobe full of pieces you love and feel comfortable in.
If you have the budget then why not invest in slightly more expensive, good quality pieces.
Although they will be expensive at first if it's something you know you'll get a lot of wear out of then you'll be saving yourself money in the long run by not having to buy a new, cheaper version every few months.
Are you going to refresh your wardrobe for the New Year?