A recent sighting of VB in Paris sporting strappy sandals complete with black tights led to shrieks of disapproval from some quarters. But you know what? Gay Paree can get very cold in the springtime and Posh was just doing what the rest of us do - getting more wear out of her favourite summer sandals by wearing them with a nice pair of woolly tights.
See I already thought this was a thing. I know loads of people who wear open toed shoes and platform sandals with opaque tights. In fact I am one of those people. It's as much of a thing as shorts with tights.
Isn't it?
Surely it's been ok for at least ten years to "team" your favourite tights with heels - the fact that VB has just started doing it now puts her firmly below the curve. But what do you think? Do you love or hate the look?