Here at Beaut.ie we love nothing more than an aul rummage through people’s make-up bags to find out what they use every day. Well, when it comes to me and make-up, my skills extend to juuust about managing a decent liquid liner flick. On one eye anyway, the other one is just doomed to always be a bit wonky.
However, when it comes to quirky jewellery, you’re talking my language. The bigger and brighter the better. And if it’s in the shape of a cute animal, I’m sold. So I’m going to mix up the “what's in my make-up bag” style posts we do with a peek at the accessories that I adore and wear every day. So, come into my jewellery box!
First up, everyone loves Lego, right? Well I’m no different and one of my favourite rings is this red and white Lego one. It’s a proper Lego brick that you can stick other little bits onto, such as an actual Lego man, although that’s not the most practical idea. So I’ve got little tiles that I can attach to it, like a treasure map or a tiny control panel.
Continuing in this theme, but deviating slightly from jewellery for a second, the Lego exhibition that’s currently running in the Ambassador theatre has a little gift shop at the end, so when I spotted these big squishy Lego slippers, well I just couldn’t leave them there. As many people have pointed out, it’s like they’re making up for all the times we’ve unwittingly stepped on Lego while wearing socks.
I’ve got a major soft spot for jewellery that has a second use, so tiny clocks that I can wear around my neck are something of a weakness.
And whenever I’m in London, I invariably end up in a shop called Octopus, in Covent Garden. It’s where I got these two rings, one filled with tiny purple beads and the other with turquoise liquid.
Now, sometimes I’ll come across something dinky and cute that doesn’t actually function as something I can wear, but that’s normally pretty easily solved once it can be put on a chain. The ice cream cone and Russian doll were actually phone charms when I bought them and the rollerskate was originally a keyring from Penneys.
When I mentioned cute animals earlier, I was talking about my little deer with his googly eye, this unicorn silhouette necklace and this lovely little bunny thimble pendant. So cute!
I can’t resist a cool bit of initial jewellery, so I love this purple K necklace from Anna Lou of London (Kate Moss has it in white, don’t you know) and my K Scrabble style ring.
One of my absolute favourite possessions is this silver bear ring. It was custom made by Wildheart: Love Rocks and a Christmas present from the Bear (funnily enough). It’s big, heavy and brilliant and I’m forever whacking it off the edges of tables and plates by accident but I love it to pieces.
And finally, my little robot necklace. I call him Marvin and he almost got me into trouble before. A few years ago I was wearing it while at the Bear’s parents' house, chatting to his aunt. “That’s a lovely necklace” she remarked. “Oh thanks!” I replied. “It was half price because he only has one eye!” As soon as I said it, I nearly died of embarrassment. I had forgotten that this particular aunt had a glass eye. Thankfully she also has a great sense of humour. Mortified though.
So, what are your favourite accessories that you just couldn’t live without? Are you a fan of the bright and gaudy like me or do you prefer something a little more classic?
When it comes to jewellery, do you prefer classic or quirky?