The other day, I looked at the contents of my tights drawer and realised that last year's everlasting winter had taken its toll on even my sturdiest real wool tights and it was time to get some new ones.
And, as usual when it comes to buying my standard black opaques, I didn't even think about where to go. I just went into Marks & Spencer. In fact, I can't remember the last time I bought tights anywhere else. Oh, wait, I can - I got some real wool Wolford ones ages ago, but then M&S started doing lovely merino wool tights at about a third of the price so I went back there.
Because over the years, M&S has become my default shop when it comes to underwear basics. Tights, knickers, and bras - they are almost all M&S's finest. It was a glorious day when they started making those lovely soft, non-shiny, non-chunky, genuinely warm merino and cashmere mix tights, although I wish they'd keep producing them after January.
A few years ago I snagged a hole in a pair of the merino ones over Christmas, and when I went in to get replacements in January I was told by a nice M&S lady that they weren't getting in any new tights stock because they were now getting in the spring/summer collections.
What about you? Do you have a default place to buy your briefs, or do you shop around? Do you (does anyone, really?) splash out on fancy pants or is it just cotton briefs worn until they go grey and the elastic starts to show?
And when it comes to sleep wear, is it all cafe au lait silk or an old band t-shirt and a pair of M&S checkered PJ bottoms (that's me most of the time, although I do have a couple of pairs of '30s-style cotton ones from Cath Kidston and Oasis of which I am very fond)?