Most of us have only ever had one introduction to Pablo Schreiber and that was as George "Pornstache" Mendez from Orange Is The New Black. Incidentally, we miss him because - despite portraying a reprehensible human being - he was pretty hilarious to watch.)
Therefore, when pictures started circulating of him from HBO's The Brink, which premiered stateside last night, our initial thought was "Matthew McConaughey looks a bit weird..."
Pablo Schreiber cambia el uniforme de la prisión de Litchfield en #OITNB por el mono de piloto en #TheBrink. pic.twitter.com/h7bTsqedXa
— CANAL+ Series (@canalplusseries) June 19, 2015
If you're looking for further evidence...
COVER: @schreiber_pablo of HBO's #TheBrink shares how he shifted his "type!" http://t.co/2bwIrsxnSH #actorslife pic.twitter.com/LhsTB7rJD7
— Backstage (@Backstage) June 11, 2015
‘The Brink': Jack Black, Pablo Schreiber, Tim Robbins play global annihilation for laughs http://t.co/Ldz2D3iPyl pic.twitter.com/G0AJw3UhBV
— Las Vegas NV Blog (@LasVegasNvBlog) June 21, 2015
And, more recently...
For those more interested in hearing about The Brink, Pablo plays fighter jet pilot by the name of Zeke Tilson - AKA 'Z-Pack'. Indeed he does deal drugs on the side. Well, he is Pornstache after all...
Anyone having 'feelings' for Pornstache all of a sudden? Or does he need to take off his top and start playing the bongos on a beach for that to happen?