The sales show no sign of stopping, but we're moving on to the new-in-store pieces.
We're not finished sale shopping just yet. But, too many shiny new things have caught our eye to ignore. We went late night shopping last night to see what kind of bargains we could pick up and even at 7 pm, the crowds still dominated the sale section and nothing was in its right place. (Side note: go sale shopping first thing in the morning before the shops become jumble sales.) The new-in-store sections were vacant, neat, tidy spaces full of practical winter wear and a few sneaky trend pieces. We had to wonder, is it worth spending €100 on a basket full of old stock or on one really good piece you'll wear all season?
2019 is the year the environment and ethical beauty and fashion and sustainability will really enter public consciousness. We all know about it and hear about the trouble the natural world is in, but this year, we will actively try to do something about it. And it will be easier than we think. We bring our bags with us to the shops. We use a keep-cup instead of a takeaway cup. The number people I've heard saying they're reducing their meat consumption this year is far more than the people who say they're taking up the gym. We're learning exactly what can and can't be recycled and we're cutting down on plastics.
Buying in bulk in the sales encourages fast fashion and increases waste. For all my preaching, though, 90% of my wardrobe is made up of sale buys. But like how I'm going to use my personality for good this year, I'm also going to make an active effort to only buy classic or investment pieces in 2019. It's too far for me to embark on no-buy January (this year at least), and I know I'll probably slip up from time to time, but it's a start.
Disclaimer! Some of these pieces cannot entirely be classed as investment, but I'm catering for all budgets. I'll be buying that raincoat from Penneys. And probably the shoes.
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Double-Breasted Belted Coat
Chain Print Flared Trousers €49.95 / Chain Print Dress €49.95
Blue and White Rain Jacket €19
Pink Buckle Loafer €11
Zebra Print Crop Shirt €13
Will you be shopping for new things this January?