Neon: So Nuts Or So Now? Are You Feeling the Fluoro Trend?

When I was about 11, I had a pair of black dungarees trimmed with neon yellow that I thought were the cat’s pyjamas. But there, aside from a brief flirtation with fluorescent lipstick, is where my relationship with neon ended. Or so I thought.

Because fashion is a funny old thing – you can poke fun at an outlandish new trend all you like, but give it time. One day you wake up and realise that, far from being the preserve of dodgy 90s clubwear, a sunny splash of neon would actually make your entire life complete. At least, that's what's happened to me...

LVX Midori

It started innocently enough. I picked up an acid bright 2013 diary, and was tickled to find a nail polish that exactly matched. Midori by LVX is an in-yer-face acid lime - this runway inspired brand is stocked on cloud10beauty at €12.99 a pop.  Loud and proud, I found this lifted my mood as well as my outfit – it’s the perfect gateway to the trend (see it on my nails here).

Things spiralled from there. I’m not quite ready for neon skinnies (though if you are, A|Wear should be your first port of call) but I have found myself seriously coveting some bling. Neon with crystals is a trend I am loving for spring - these ASOS ear-rings (€7.79) are currently winging my way, and only relentless mockery from himself stopped me from adding that chunky knit beanie to my order as well. In fairness, he may have had a point. Dressing like Rihanna is probably not a route I want to go down, but if you’re less long in the tooth, you can snap it up for €9.99.


Neon Yellow Fashion Trend

And here’s some words I never thought I’d say: I like a dress by Mylene Klass for Littlewoods. A neon dress, at that, but in a flattering wrap style, that I can see being handy for all those garden parties I never get invited to in spring. It’s €62 but I’ve a few reservations about the quality of these celebrity lines – if you’ve any experience of the range I’d love to know how you got on.

The last piece I want to share is this bejewelled beauty from River Island, with its neon yellow trim. At €120 it’s spendy, but it definitely makes a statement  - it’s a little bit vintage, a little bit modern and a whole lot gorgeous. And teaming neutrals with  your neon is a great way of toning down the look and making it that little bit more elegant.

What about you, still hating or are you ready to add a little colour to your life?

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