Who in Marks and Sparks thought it would be a good idea to charge women with big bosoms £2 more for their bras than their smaller chested counterparts? I wonder what went through the minds of the marketing department geniuses as they developed this strategy.
And how was this going to rack up (sorry) for the consumer? Were small bras going to be reduced in price too? Were size ten knickers going to be cheaper than size twenty? The answer was no I'm afraid. Women buying boulder holders were just going to have to pay up and shut up.
But, and I love this, the power of social networking prevailed. A Facegroup group was set up by disgruntled large breasted women (Busts 4 Justice) and when its numbers (quickly) reached 15,000 M&S eventually realised they'd have to back down. We mistakenly thought M&S was a friendly space for chests of all shapes and sizes and we even went there to get measured for undergarments big or small. We rated them in our Bra Size Challange
Now we feel let down and deflated...