And in news we already knew to be true - if we were looking for any further proof that the fashion industry is completely gaga, here it is.
Meet Agnes Hedengård, the 19-year-old model who came third in last year's Sweden's Next Top Model. She recently uploaded a video to You Tube in which she slammed the body standards imposed on models by the fashion industry, saying 'It's absurd and I hate it.'
With a BMI of 17.5, Agnes is classified in BMI terms as underweight. And whether you accept BMI as a definite indicator or not, there is no way on earth that this woman could be classified as overweight. And yet she claims that she has had to give up on modelling on full time, due to her obviously huge size (and if you can't hear the sarcasm dripping off my words, we need to have a little chat).
"According to the modelling industry, you cannot look like this. You need to be thinner," says Agnes. "They think this is too big. They think my butt is too big, and they think my hips are too wide."
Dear God, if this woman's hips are too wide, then I am an actual Tonka Truck. And proud of it.