At the time of writing I have three black and white striped blazers, three black and white striped dresses and skirts and roughly about half my tops/tshirts/jumpers are black and white striped. My favourite underwear is black and white striped for gods sake, and glancing around my gaff, I seem to have picked up quite a few similar furnishings.
I've just realised I have a problem. But I'm not alone. That's why I'm so glad to see that Miley Cyrus has an equal problem - on a much bigger, world stage scale. She's papped every day of her life and her love for monochrome stripes is blazed across the Internet and the pages of magazines. But you know what? She looks ace and it really suits her. Black and white stripes are a trend that just won't go away (see here where we selected the pick of more monochrome delights and where to buy them) and it's never been more fashionable. Even so, an overload of the trend (blazer AND trousers for example) is definitely to be avoided. Think of Beetlejuice and make sure you in NO WAY resemble him - because if you do you've broken all the rules of sartorial style and need to call the fashion police stat and get taken away.
Have you got a trend that you love and wear to death? Or a million pairs of black trousers hanging in the wardrobe for example. Is there one item that you buy over and over and only when you get home realise... that you have something almost exactly like it?
It happens to us all!