Apologies. But there's no other delicate way of putting it. George Hook (we know it's definitely him because he's got the blue tick. That or the lovely Ingrid decided to have a laugh while George was away from the laptop) posted the following overshare to his twitter.
One of the great pleasures of life for old men is reading the paper in "the smallest room in the house." The process helped by Syrup of Figs
— George Hook (@ghook) February 9, 2015
Yep, he just HAD to go there with the figs.
It's no secret that men love their loo time. We don't want to get into the nitty gritty but it seems as though a lot of knowledge is gained from those precious moments on The Throne. We're thinking of swapping the Men's Health mags in our unisex office toilette with Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time and a stack of Cosmos so at least our male co-workers can than learn something useful to us!
Do the men in your life spend disproportionate lengths of time in 'the smallest room in the house'? Do you ever start to get a bit worried when they disappear for over half an hour? Do you agree that it's probably the most productive time in the day for you?