Madonna Takes a Tumble and Recovers Like a BOSS

You wouldn't expect this sort of thing to happen at the BRIT Awards, much less to an artist like Madonna - but the pop icon had a bit of a mishap at the ceremony tonight.

Closing the ceremony with her new single 'Living for Love', she fell backwards off a step when she failed to untie her cape in time, and was accidentally yanked back by a dancer.

She missed a few lines, but to her credit, she continued with the performance - although it was a little wobbly. The fact that the song she was singing had the lines "you lifted me up and watched me stumble"… that's sheer gold, though.

In fairness, it was the most exciting thing to happen over the course of a fairly dull evening.


And you just KNOW that dancer got fired. Oh, the perils of Armani couture, heh?

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