One can only assume that this gentleman had previously signed some kind of form permitting Madonna to manhandle him in such a manner. Also, spare a thought for the poor woman in the front row who then gets said man thrown on top of her.
Other video highlights include 14-year-old (and looking very grown up with it) Rocco expertly showcasing an epic skateboard fail; the camera cutting away whenever Madonna starts thrusting in the direction of anything; and the handy pics of Nicki Minaj that flash up whenever she features, because otherwise we'd have NO idea who it was providing that unique vocals.
In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Madonna described herself as the self-appointed "person who opens the door for women to believe and understand and embrace the idea that they can be sexual and look good and be as relevant in their fifties or their sixties or whatever as they were in their twenties."
Is she really paving the way for women who all too often disappear in their 60s, or is she projecting a prolonged pressure on those who feel the need to maintain a level of "perfection"?