Straight off the bat, I'm going to admit that the Lennon Courtney at Dunnes Stores dress Louise O'Neill wore for the RTÉ new season launch is not going to be to everyone's tastes. But, if you like edgy Irish affordable fashion and colour blocking, and if you're not averse to a little nipping and tucking of the material kind, you are going to love author Louise O'Neill's gúna.
I spotted it in Dunnes Stores over the weekend and would have snapped it up if it was the old days of Dunnes when nothing cost more than €50. This dress is €149.00, and while pricey, if you've got the money, it's worth it.
Now that know where the dress is from and how much it is, can we move on to Louise's shoes? The woman has the best taste in shoes, and that needs to be made known.
These shoes are going to kill me
A photo posted by Louise (@oneilllou) on
In case you were wondering why Louise was at the RTÉ new season launch, it's because she's heading up a documentary as part of the Reality Bites series. In Asking For It she will tackle rape culture, explore entrenched attitudes toward casual sex, slut shaming and the rise in sexual assault and rape in Irish society today.